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#StopTheTreaty 1 March 2022
TO: People throughout the world. Governments, presidents, health ministers. Independent media
TO: WHO via World Health Assembly, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, Dr Soumya Swaminathan
TO: United NaCons via Antonio Guterres, Liu Zhenmin, EllioG Harris, Maria-Francesca Spatolisano
The World Council for Health, a coali4on of scien4sts, doctors, lawyers and civil society advocacy
organiza4ons, opposes the World Health Organisa4on (WHO)’s moves to implement a power grab in
the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the world’s aBen4on is diverted by the latest crisis.
The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It
increases the WHO's suffoca4ng power to declare unjus4fied pandemics, impose dehumanising
lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe and ineffec4ve treatments against the will of the people.
The WCH believes that the people have a right to par4cipate in any agreement that affects their lives,
livelihoods and well-being. However, the WHO has not engaged in a process of public par4cipa4on,
which is evidence that its priority is capturing more power for itself and its corporate accomplices,
than serving the interests of the people. Without an unbiased democra4c process, any agreement by
the WHO, ac4ng via the United Na4ons, will be unlawful, illegi4mate and invalid.
Historically, the WHO leadership has failed the people. Among many examples, it approved the
injurious H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine for a controversially declared pandemic. Equally, the WHO failed
during the Covid-19 chapter as it encouraged lockdowns, suppressed early preven4ve treatments
and recommended product interven4ons that have proven to be neither safe nor effec4ve.
The WHO cannot be allowed to control the world's health agenda, nor enforce bio surveillance.
While it receives funding from public sources belonging to the people, it is caught in a perpetual
conflict of interest because it also receives substan4al funding from private interests that use their
contribu4ons to influence and profit from WHO decisions and mandates. For example, the Gates
Founda4on and the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine promo4on alliance, contribute over $1 billion a year.
WCH partners, from Australia to Zimbabwe, stand against this costly abuse of power and assert the
sovereign right of people to make their own decisions, over and above what their representa4ves
may want. We urge everyone to approach credible government representa4ves, poli4cal par4es,
trade unions, civil society groups, professionals, public figures, and independent media to:
a) Raise awareness about the implica4ons of the proposed global pandemic agreement;
b) Call for na4onal campaigns that protect natural law and democra4c cons4tu4ons;
c) Join credible civil society coali4ons such as the World Council for Health.
We moedigen iedereen aan om meer te leren over principes, akkoorden, conventies en verdragen die de rechten van mannen, vrouwen en kinderen beschermen. Deze omvatten de beginselen van Siracusa in het Internationaal Verdrag inzake burgerrechten en politieke rechten, die wettelijke normen bevatten om rechten te beschermen. In aanloop naar de 77e Wereldgezondheidsvergadering van de WHO in 2024, waar de WHO voornemens is hun pandemieovereenkomst te bevestigen, zal de WCH zich ertoe verbinden om het bewustzijn te vergroten door campagne te voeren tegen deze ondemocratische beweging. Voor informa4over het eerdere werk van de WCH aan deze kwestie, volg deze links naar de WCH Townhall over het pandemieplan, en zie deze ar4cles hierover. Als u of uw organisatie World Council for Health wilt steunen in deze cruciale campagne: • Connect via:
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